Final project results and outcomes for the Europe for Citizens Project “MOVEfwd - Moving Forward in Europe with Volunteering“
Ref. no. - 625307-CITIZ-1-2020-1-HR-CITIZ-CIV
The project “MOVEfwd“ has been approved for a grant worth 95.760,00 EUR from the European Union via the Europe for Citizens Programme – Measure 2.3. Civil Society Projects. The project partnership covers 5 European countries (Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Italy and Bulgaria). The lead partner of the project is POU Varaždin (Pučko otvoreno učilište Varaždin), which is an adult learning institution of the City of Varazdin that is dedicated to enhancing education, creating employment and volunteer opportunities in the wider community, and building the knowledge and skills of citizens so that they match market needs. The specific partners on the project are:
The project aims to enhance citizen engagement in volunteer-based actions relating to civil protection, social inclusion, culture, education and employment. It takes into account specifically the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on civil society actions and volunteering in the wider community. As a result of COVID-19, civil society organisations (CSOs), public bodies/authorities, educators and citizens have had to reinvent themselves. Promoting active citizenship and volunteering during these times has been especially challenging due to new restrictions on physical contact and movement. Due too many unknowns (e.g. infection), many citizens (incl. younger persons) think twice about volunteering. Each event and activity has been prepared in order to take this „new normal“ into account. Activities have been organized in a manner so that participants can learn how to organize volunteer-based actions in the times of COVID-19.
One preparatory event (activities) and five (5) 3-day events were organized in the project as follows:
The following photos have been selected in order give you, the reader, a clear picture of how the activities per event were organized:
Ref. no. - 625307-CITIZ-1-2020-1-HR-CITIZ-CIV
The project “MOVEfwd“ has been approved for a grant worth 95.760,00 EUR from the European Union via the Europe for Citizens Programme – Measure 2.3. Civil Society Projects. The project partnership covers 5 European countries (Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Italy and Bulgaria). The lead partner of the project is POU Varaždin (Pučko otvoreno učilište Varaždin), which is an adult learning institution of the City of Varazdin that is dedicated to enhancing education, creating employment and volunteer opportunities in the wider community, and building the knowledge and skills of citizens so that they match market needs. The specific partners on the project are:
- Hrvatski Crveni kriz, Zajednica udruga, Drustvo Crvenog kriza Varaždinske županije/The Red Cross Society of Varaždin County (Croatia)
- Tourist Organisation of the City of Sremska Mitrovica (TO SM) located in Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia
- Regional Development Agency of Srem Ltd. Ruma located in Ruma, Serbia
- Ljudska Univerza Ptuj (LUP) located in Ptuj, Slovenia
- PROGEU – Progress in European Union – Istituto per lo sviluppo (Italy)
- Institute for Sustainable Business Development and Education (Bulgaria)
The project aims to enhance citizen engagement in volunteer-based actions relating to civil protection, social inclusion, culture, education and employment. It takes into account specifically the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on civil society actions and volunteering in the wider community. As a result of COVID-19, civil society organisations (CSOs), public bodies/authorities, educators and citizens have had to reinvent themselves. Promoting active citizenship and volunteering during these times has been especially challenging due to new restrictions on physical contact and movement. Due too many unknowns (e.g. infection), many citizens (incl. younger persons) think twice about volunteering. Each event and activity has been prepared in order to take this „new normal“ into account. Activities have been organized in a manner so that participants can learn how to organize volunteer-based actions in the times of COVID-19.
One preparatory event (activities) and five (5) 3-day events were organized in the project as follows:
- Preparatory activities/event in Varazdin, HR – held from April 7th to April 8th, 2021
- Focus: to ensure that stakeholders (volunteers, representatives of public bodies & CSOs, educators, young persons & other citizens) are properly introduced to the project and how COVID-19 has impacted volunteer-based activities in their countries. Participants will have the opportunity to exchange knowledge via the opening presentations. The second part of the event was dedicated to project planning, specifically planning and implementing the main events of the project.
- Event in Rome, Italy – held from May 6th to May 8th, 2021
- Focus: to raise awareness and understanding on the benefits of the EU agenda for younger persons and to enhance participants’ know-how on issues that have affected youth during the pandemic.
- Event in Varazdin, Croatia (Main opening event hosted by the lead partner POU Varaždin – Held from June 28th – June 30th, 2021)
- Focus: to show how education for young volunteers during COVID-19 was adjusted and improved during the pandemic. The other aim was to build citizens’ understanding on the importance of solidarity in the times of COVID-19..
- Event in Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia - held from August 25th to August 27th, 2021
- Focus: to present how volunteers are playing a crucial role in ensuring that persons with disabilities and elderly persons continue to have access to essential services; and to show citizens how solidarity and volunteer work contributed to new innovations and civil protection in the Srem region of Serbia.
- Event in Ptuj, Slovenia – held from April 11th to April 13th, 2022
- Focus: to show how intergenerational solidarity functions in practice, and emphasize how it functions as a EU value. The event also focused on engaging citizens from different generations in democratic processes, and gathering opinions of youth on the Europe that they want in the future..
- Final event in Plovdiv, Bulgaria from June 7th to June 9th, 2022
- Focus: to present educational initiatives and best practices connected to volunteers and show how their roles have changed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants learned how to converted learning goals into outcomes via “Design Thinking” in the times of COVID-19 and were able to discuss/debate about the necessary future skills and digital skills volunteers need.
The following photos have been selected in order give you, the reader, a clear picture of how the activities per event were organized:
For further information on the project and its results, we encourage you to download the official project summary here
We also encourage you to download or view the materials that we have created in the project:
- Volunteering guide in Croatian and English language
- The project film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42ujo8K5Ylk
- Volunteering quiz/survey (https://forms.gle/HEjkXvTCreLYFnU98)
We hope that you can use our materials for your own projects focusing on volunteering, and we look forward to working together further to enhance volunteering in these challenging times.
Disclaimer: The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Vodič o volontiranju opisuje specifične akcije temeljene na volonterstvu koje su organizirane u partnerskim zemljama. U svakom poglavlju nastojimo predstaviti čitatelju kako volontiranje doprinosi zajednici u kriznim vremenima, kako građani na temeljnoj razini igraju bitnu ulogu u razvoju, te donosi lekcije naučene iz takvih akcija. Nadamo se da ćete koristiti ovaj vodič za poboljšanje volonterskih aktivnosti u vašoj regiji i uključiti građane na kvalitetniji i sigurniji način u lokalne akcije.
Vodič je dostupan na jezicima zemalja iz kojih dolaze projektni partneri i engleskom kako bi bio dostupan što širem krugu korisnika.
Vodič je dostupan na jezicima zemalja iz kojih dolaze projektni partneri i engleskom kako bi bio dostupan što širem krugu korisnika.
One way in which the partnership has planned to disseminate best practices and lessons-learnt in volunteering during these difficult times is by creating this volunteering guide. It describes specific volunteer-based actions that have been organized in the partner countries. In each chapter, we aim to show you, the reader, how volunteering benefits the community in times of crisis, how citizens at the grassroots level play an essential role in development, and it provides the lessons-learnt from such actions. We, the partnership, hope that you can use this guide to enhance volunteer-based actions in your region, and engage citizens in a better way in locally-based actions.
Izjave volontera iz Bugarske, Hrvatske, Italije, Slovenije i Srbije (sugovornici odgovaraju na svojim lokalnim jezicima).
Tamara, Marina and Vanja (from left to right), Red Cross Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia:
"We have been volunteering since the seventh grade of elementary school and this is the first time we are at an event like this. Everything is very well organized and we really like the presentations and experiences of others." |
Anca, Progeu, Italy: " This event is the occasion to talk about what's happening in the world and in European Union, about people who are more and more lonely, more and more excluded from society. We have occasion to finally work together, dealing with COVID, dealing with crises, dealing with emergencies, and emphasizing role of civil society in the community and how we have to work together to relieve crisis."
David Rihtarič, Ptuj, Slovenia: "During these three days we heard a lot of examples of good practice, and among them I would like to highlight one special association "Uz tebe sam". They are doing really extremely good works, working with children with special needs and I congratulate them for making our society better. I hope that even after the end of this project, we will continue our good cooperation within the partnership."
Gianluca, Progeu, Italy: "Volunteering must be continued, supported and implemented more intensively because many young people are not aware of the opportunities at local and European level. Volunteering enables the development of social skills that can produce value at the local level.
My advice is to continue to promote activities and organisations that carry out activities in contact with vulnerable parts of society. Participation in this project has enabled me to acquire new skills that I can use when I return to Italy." Prof. Nako Stefanov, ISBDE, Bulgaria : "Good preparation, training and cooperation with professional services are essential for successful volunteer actions in times of crisis. Without quality preparation, based on real experiences, you cannot achieve good results. The exchange of experiences at the international level, as we work on the Move Forward project prevents the repetition of mistakes and saves everyone time and resources."
Dijana Petek, NGO "I'm with you", Croatia:
"I believe that we have a lot to learn from each other because there are different situations and different ways in which we can react. The pandemic caught us all unprepared and that's why it's good to prepare volunteers for some unpredictable situations so that they can more easily deal with crises and help those in need." Viola Fonnesu, Progeu, Italy: "The project is very interesting, because volunteering is one of the values that organisations need. Volunteers are essential for non-profit organisations. Contrary to popular belief, it is not an improvised activity, but there is a lot of organisation behind it. Participation in this project is useful and interesting, as we have the opportunity to share our experiences, our methods of involvement. It was an opportunity for our organisation to expand our operational network, with which we can realiste new initiatives in the near future. The event in Bulgaria was very enjoyable, the interventions were of value."
Lana Velimirović Vukalović, POU Varaždin:
"We had challenges in organizing live events due to the COVID19 measures and some events were organized in a hybrid form. The result of the project is exchange of good practices, excellent networking between the partner cities, and we raised awareness of the importance of volunteering in times of crisis. Cooperation between volunteer associations was established, and we got new ideas for future projects." Elena Markova, ISBDE, Bulgaria: "Projects like this are valuable because of new experiences and acquaintances through which volunteer networks are built, and volunteers act for the benefit of all. I invite young people to get involved in such projects and expand their life experiences."

Nika Jošt, president of the Rotaract klub Ptuj
“This was a great experience for me. I had the opportunity to present our club and the things we do on the international scope. I also had the opportunity to meet other volunteers from Europe and share our success stories, and also some difficulties that arise during the pandemic. I believe that volunteering has been greatly affected by COVID-19, and we as volunteers learned a lot from it. Now we are better prepared, more flexible, and would know what to do, and what not to do. Hopefully, projects such as MOVEfwd will continue, as we really need that kind of cooperation on the EU level.”
Slike govore kao tisuću riječi, predstavljamo događanje u gradu Plovdivu, Bugarska održano od 7. do 9. lipnja 2022. godine
Kako je bilo na događanju u Plovdivu možete popratiti u članku objavljenom u lokalnim novinama

Final Event in Plovdiv, Bulgaria 7. - 9.VI. 2022.
Location: Institute for Sustainable Business Development and Education, 11 Naicho Tzanov Str., 4000 Plovdiv
Timing: Tuesday, June 7th 2022 to Thursday, June 9th, 2022
Number of estimated participants:
*For both days, at least 30% of the participants should be international/invited participants
The afternoon Tuesday, June 7th – 45 participants foreseen as the maximum (Hybrid format)
16:30 – 17:00 – Welcome speeches by:
17:15 – 18:00 – Description of how education, health care & civil protection changed due to COVID-19 “Mobile School in Stolipinovo” by Dimitar Panchev PhD in Sociology from “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv
18:00 – 18:30 – Discussion/group work where participants explain how roles have changed due to COVID-19 moderated by Dimitar Panchev PhD in Sociology from “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv
19:00 – Dinner
End of Day 1
Wednesday, June 8th – 45 participants foreseen as the maximum (hybrid format)
10:00 – 10.45 - Volunteering in rescue activity concerning fire and natural hazards in time of COVID 19 by Prof. Nako Stefanov; Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski“
10:45 – 11:15 - Overview of programmes and best practices where EU values (e.g. intercultural dialogue, solidarity, mutual understanding) and support led to volunteer-based actions, and how “Design thinking” works in practice by Krasimira Bakardzhieva
11:15 – 11:30 - Coffee break
11:30 – 12:30 - Discussion/group work where participants converting learning goals into outcomes via “Design Thinking” in the times of COVID moderated by Krasimira Bakardzhieva
12:30 – 14:00 - Lunch
14:00 – 14:30 - Presentations + panel discussion “COVID-19, 2 years later”. Presentations by partner representatives on how the situation has changed since the pandemic started moderated by Prof. Nako Stefanov; Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski“
14:30 – 15:30 – Wrap up of the day
Sightseeing of Plovdiv (optional)
Thursday, June 9th – 45 participants. (Hybrid format)
10:00 – 10:30 – Presentation of project findings showing how the partnership has promoted volunteering, opportunities for youth, addressed citizen issues, and moved forward by Lana Velimirović Vukalović – Director of POU Varaždin and MoveFwd leading partner
10:30– 11:15 – Presentation of “Digital skills and how to present us better online” by Justine Toms, Professor at New Bulgarian University
11:15– 11:30 - Coffee break
11:30 – 11:45 – Presentation of the network agreement and its significance
11:45 – 12:15 – Signing of the network agreement and interviews with the press
12:15 – … Departures
Location: Institute for Sustainable Business Development and Education, 11 Naicho Tzanov Str., 4000 Plovdiv
Timing: Tuesday, June 7th 2022 to Thursday, June 9th, 2022
Number of estimated participants:
*For both days, at least 30% of the participants should be international/invited participants
The afternoon Tuesday, June 7th – 45 participants foreseen as the maximum (Hybrid format)
16:30 – 17:00 – Welcome speeches by:
- director of the Institute for Sustainable Business Development and Education
- representative of Plovdiv Municipality
- Leading partner organisation POU Varaždin
17:15 – 18:00 – Description of how education, health care & civil protection changed due to COVID-19 “Mobile School in Stolipinovo” by Dimitar Panchev PhD in Sociology from “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv
18:00 – 18:30 – Discussion/group work where participants explain how roles have changed due to COVID-19 moderated by Dimitar Panchev PhD in Sociology from “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv
19:00 – Dinner
End of Day 1
Wednesday, June 8th – 45 participants foreseen as the maximum (hybrid format)
10:00 – 10.45 - Volunteering in rescue activity concerning fire and natural hazards in time of COVID 19 by Prof. Nako Stefanov; Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski“
10:45 – 11:15 - Overview of programmes and best practices where EU values (e.g. intercultural dialogue, solidarity, mutual understanding) and support led to volunteer-based actions, and how “Design thinking” works in practice by Krasimira Bakardzhieva
11:15 – 11:30 - Coffee break
11:30 – 12:30 - Discussion/group work where participants converting learning goals into outcomes via “Design Thinking” in the times of COVID moderated by Krasimira Bakardzhieva
12:30 – 14:00 - Lunch
14:00 – 14:30 - Presentations + panel discussion “COVID-19, 2 years later”. Presentations by partner representatives on how the situation has changed since the pandemic started moderated by Prof. Nako Stefanov; Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski“
14:30 – 15:30 – Wrap up of the day
Sightseeing of Plovdiv (optional)
Thursday, June 9th – 45 participants. (Hybrid format)
10:00 – 10:30 – Presentation of project findings showing how the partnership has promoted volunteering, opportunities for youth, addressed citizen issues, and moved forward by Lana Velimirović Vukalović – Director of POU Varaždin and MoveFwd leading partner
10:30– 11:15 – Presentation of “Digital skills and how to present us better online” by Justine Toms, Professor at New Bulgarian University
11:15– 11:30 - Coffee break
11:30 – 11:45 – Presentation of the network agreement and its significance
11:45 – 12:15 – Signing of the network agreement and interviews with the press
12:15 – … Departures

The event in Ptuj was held from April 11 to 13. We discussed how to attract young volunteers and in general how to promote volunteerism in partner countries. In addition to discussions and workshops, examples of good practice in Slovenia were presented and new methods were proposed. In addition to partners PROGEU, LUP, Institute Sofia, POU Varaždin, Red Cross of Varaždin County, Regional Development Agency Srem and the Tourist Board of Sremska Mitrovica also participated RotaryAct and Leo Club from Ptuj and the Seventh Elementary School Varaždin.

Event in Ptuj from 11. to 13. April 2022.
Agenda for the Event in Slovenia
Location: Ljudska univerza Ptuj, Mestni trg 2, 2250 Ptuj
Timing: Monday, April 11th 2022 to Wednesday, April 13th, 2022
Number of estimated participants:
*For both days, at least 30% of the participants should be international/invited participants
Methods of implementation:
• The main event will be implemented via a hybrid model. Physical spaces will be organized in Ptuj that meet national COVID-19 guidelines. Other participants will participate in the event via teleconferencing technologies (Zoom).
• Further methods will be adopted based on the epidemiologic situation in Ptuj.
• The main language will be English due to these events being international in character.
The afternoon Monday, April 11th – 40 participants foreseen as the maximum (hybrid format)
16:30 – 17:00 – Welcome speeches by:
- director of the Public university Ptuj
- representative of Ptuj's Municipality
- Leading partner organisation POU Varaždin
17:00 – 17:15 – Presentation of Public university Ptuj programs and Projects
17:15 – 18:00 – Presentation of the local youth humanitarian organizations.
18:00 – 18:30 – Discussion/group work where participants determine what values they want in Europe. “Why I volunteer” moderated by local volunteers
19:00 – Dinner
End of Day 1
Tuesday, November 12th – Ljudska univerza Ptuj, Mestni trg 2, 2250 Ptuj
40+ participants – Presentation of best practice projects during COVID19 (hybrid format)
10:00 Press conference (statements from all participating countries)
10:30 – 11:15 - Presentation of the program »Social activation« in the times of COVID-19 by Tanja Božič and Silvo Zapečnik
11:15 – 11:30 - Coffee break
11:30 – 12:30 - Discussion and group work: Intergenerational solidarity in your own words – groups discuss what the concept means in their own territory
12:30 – 14:00 - Lunch
14:00 – 14:30 - Presentation of “Centre for Families” and their activities at their premises (within walk distance – 1min)
14:30 – 15:30 – Wrap up of the day
Guided sightseeing of Ptuj (optional)
Wednesday, April 13th – Public University of Ptuj, Mestni trg 2, 2250 Ptuj
35 participants. (hybrid format)
10:00 – 11:00 – Presentation of Slow Learning – Erasmus+ project and LUP’s programs for seniors (information and communication technology) by Petja Janžekovič and Dušan Šilak
11:00:11:15 – Coffee break
11:15-11:45 Group discussion on EU regulations during COVID have impacted seniors (in terms of safety, mental health, inclusion)
11:45 – 12:15 – Filming interviews with young participants to get their feedback on what Europe means to them
12:15 – … Departures
Agenda for the Event in Slovenia
Location: Ljudska univerza Ptuj, Mestni trg 2, 2250 Ptuj
Timing: Monday, April 11th 2022 to Wednesday, April 13th, 2022
Number of estimated participants:
*For both days, at least 30% of the participants should be international/invited participants
Methods of implementation:
• The main event will be implemented via a hybrid model. Physical spaces will be organized in Ptuj that meet national COVID-19 guidelines. Other participants will participate in the event via teleconferencing technologies (Zoom).
• Further methods will be adopted based on the epidemiologic situation in Ptuj.
• The main language will be English due to these events being international in character.
The afternoon Monday, April 11th – 40 participants foreseen as the maximum (hybrid format)
16:30 – 17:00 – Welcome speeches by:
- director of the Public university Ptuj
- representative of Ptuj's Municipality
- Leading partner organisation POU Varaždin
17:00 – 17:15 – Presentation of Public university Ptuj programs and Projects
17:15 – 18:00 – Presentation of the local youth humanitarian organizations.
18:00 – 18:30 – Discussion/group work where participants determine what values they want in Europe. “Why I volunteer” moderated by local volunteers
19:00 – Dinner
End of Day 1
Tuesday, November 12th – Ljudska univerza Ptuj, Mestni trg 2, 2250 Ptuj
40+ participants – Presentation of best practice projects during COVID19 (hybrid format)
10:00 Press conference (statements from all participating countries)
10:30 – 11:15 - Presentation of the program »Social activation« in the times of COVID-19 by Tanja Božič and Silvo Zapečnik
11:15 – 11:30 - Coffee break
11:30 – 12:30 - Discussion and group work: Intergenerational solidarity in your own words – groups discuss what the concept means in their own territory
12:30 – 14:00 - Lunch
14:00 – 14:30 - Presentation of “Centre for Families” and their activities at their premises (within walk distance – 1min)
14:30 – 15:30 – Wrap up of the day
Guided sightseeing of Ptuj (optional)
Wednesday, April 13th – Public University of Ptuj, Mestni trg 2, 2250 Ptuj
35 participants. (hybrid format)
10:00 – 11:00 – Presentation of Slow Learning – Erasmus+ project and LUP’s programs for seniors (information and communication technology) by Petja Janžekovič and Dušan Šilak
11:00:11:15 – Coffee break
11:15-11:45 Group discussion on EU regulations during COVID have impacted seniors (in terms of safety, mental health, inclusion)
11:45 – 12:15 – Filming interviews with young participants to get their feedback on what Europe means to them
12:15 – … Departures
Događanje u Sremskoj Mitrovici održano je od 25. do 27. kolovoza 2021. u organizaciji Regionalne razvojne agencije Srem, a tema je bilo volontiranje u kriznim stanjima. Volonteri Crvenog križa demonstrirali su vježbu spašavanja na vodi. Partneri iz Bugarske, Hrvatske i Slovenije sudjelovali su na lokaciji događanja u Sremskoj Mitrovici dok su partneri iz Italije bili prisutni na dijelu događanja koji je organiziran u hibridnom obliku.

Event in Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia
Wednesday, August 25th, 2021 to Friday, August 27th, 2021
• The main event will be implemented via a hybrid model. Physical spaces will be organized in Sremska Mitrovica that meet the COVID-19 guidelines in the City of Sremska Mitrovica. Other participants will participate in the event via teleconferencing technologies (Zoom, Skype or equivalent).
• Further methods will be adopted based on the epidemiologic situation in Sremska Mitrovica
• The main language will be English due to these events being international in character
Location: TBD (Hybrid format)
Number of participants: 52-76 participants (partner representatives, other invited participants + other stakeholders from the City of Sremska Mitrovica)
Purpose: Over the three day period, the event will focus on the following themes: 1) accessing education during COVID19 and the room for volunteers; 2) intergenerational solidarity in times of COVID19 3) innovations contributing to COVI19 resilience. The activities include the opening presentations, workshops and discussions on volunteer engagement in all spheres of life, especially education and intergenerational solidarity, demonstrations etc.
The afternoon of August, 25th
17:00 – 17:30 – Opening ceremony and welcome – short speeches by the representatives of POU Varazdin, Tourism Organisation of the City of Sremska Mitrovica, Regional Development Agency of Srem and the representatives from the City of Sremska Mitrovica
17:30 – 18:00 –Press conference and the partner’s interviews to the press (short interviews, filming)
18 :00 – 18:30 – Presentation of the Red Cross Sremska Mitrovica on the impact of COVID19 to the most vulnerable groups and the contribution of young volunteers in emergency crisis situation
18 :30-19:00 – Presentation on accessibility of education during COVID19 to vulnerable groups and brainstorming on how volunteers can contribute
19:00 Dinner (on site) and networking
End of Day 1
Thursday, August 26th – Location_ TBD
Presentation of best practice project in addressing the needs of PwDs during COVID19 within the EfC programme, demonstration of the Red Cross work in situ (hybrid format)
10 :00-10:30 – Presentation of best practice project in addressing the needs of PwDs during COVID19- project Web Accessibility and other Initiatives for Persons with Disabilities in EU during COVID19 and other pandemic times (WAI4PwDs)
10:30-11:00 Presentation of the new programme for Civil Society – Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values programme
For online participants, end of Day 2
From 11:30-12:30 Demonstration of Red Cross Sremska Mitrovica emergency relief response, location: Sava river and the beach
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break
17:00 Guided tour titled Culture and Nature as a remedy for pandemic
20:00 Dinner at the Special Nature Reserve Zasavica
Friday, August 27th – Location : TBD
Presentations titled Make room for Innovation– how innovations and young innovators can help during COVID19 (Hybrid format)
10 :00 – 10:20 – Presentation of the innovative solutions made during COVID19 in the Start up Centre for Innovations in Stara Pazova
10:30-10:50 – Presentation of a innovative solution helping PwDs in the times of crisis
10:50- 11:15 – Brainstorming and Questions and answers
11:30- Wrapping up the event
12:00 Lunch and departures
Wednesday, August 25th, 2021 to Friday, August 27th, 2021
• The main event will be implemented via a hybrid model. Physical spaces will be organized in Sremska Mitrovica that meet the COVID-19 guidelines in the City of Sremska Mitrovica. Other participants will participate in the event via teleconferencing technologies (Zoom, Skype or equivalent).
• Further methods will be adopted based on the epidemiologic situation in Sremska Mitrovica
• The main language will be English due to these events being international in character
Location: TBD (Hybrid format)
Number of participants: 52-76 participants (partner representatives, other invited participants + other stakeholders from the City of Sremska Mitrovica)
Purpose: Over the three day period, the event will focus on the following themes: 1) accessing education during COVID19 and the room for volunteers; 2) intergenerational solidarity in times of COVID19 3) innovations contributing to COVI19 resilience. The activities include the opening presentations, workshops and discussions on volunteer engagement in all spheres of life, especially education and intergenerational solidarity, demonstrations etc.
The afternoon of August, 25th
17:00 – 17:30 – Opening ceremony and welcome – short speeches by the representatives of POU Varazdin, Tourism Organisation of the City of Sremska Mitrovica, Regional Development Agency of Srem and the representatives from the City of Sremska Mitrovica
17:30 – 18:00 –Press conference and the partner’s interviews to the press (short interviews, filming)
18 :00 – 18:30 – Presentation of the Red Cross Sremska Mitrovica on the impact of COVID19 to the most vulnerable groups and the contribution of young volunteers in emergency crisis situation
18 :30-19:00 – Presentation on accessibility of education during COVID19 to vulnerable groups and brainstorming on how volunteers can contribute
19:00 Dinner (on site) and networking
End of Day 1
Thursday, August 26th – Location_ TBD
Presentation of best practice project in addressing the needs of PwDs during COVID19 within the EfC programme, demonstration of the Red Cross work in situ (hybrid format)
10 :00-10:30 – Presentation of best practice project in addressing the needs of PwDs during COVID19- project Web Accessibility and other Initiatives for Persons with Disabilities in EU during COVID19 and other pandemic times (WAI4PwDs)
10:30-11:00 Presentation of the new programme for Civil Society – Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values programme
For online participants, end of Day 2
From 11:30-12:30 Demonstration of Red Cross Sremska Mitrovica emergency relief response, location: Sava river and the beach
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break
17:00 Guided tour titled Culture and Nature as a remedy for pandemic
20:00 Dinner at the Special Nature Reserve Zasavica
Friday, August 27th – Location : TBD
Presentations titled Make room for Innovation– how innovations and young innovators can help during COVID19 (Hybrid format)
10 :00 – 10:20 – Presentation of the innovative solutions made during COVID19 in the Start up Centre for Innovations in Stara Pazova
10:30-10:50 – Presentation of a innovative solution helping PwDs in the times of crisis
10:50- 11:15 – Brainstorming and Questions and answers
11:30- Wrapping up the event
12:00 Lunch and departures

Događanje u Varaždinu od 28. do 30. lipnja 2021.
POU Varaždin je kao voditelj projekta ugostilo u Varaždinu međunarodne projektne partnere iz Italije, Slovenije i Srbije, dok su partneri iz Bugarske na događanju sudjelovali online.
Ukupno je tijekom tri dana događanja u Varaždinu uživo i online sudjelovalo više od 80 osoba.
Prvog dana događanja sudionike je uvodno pozdravila predsjednica Gradskog vijeća Zdravka Grđan, dok je ravnateljica POU Varaždina Lana Velimirović Vukalović predstavila aktivnosti i ciljeve projekta koji se bavi volontiranjem u doba pandemije korona virusa.
Uz prezentaciju volonterskih aktivnosti IV. osnovne škole ravnateljice Jasmine Dvorski održan je prvi dan događanja i panel na temu edukacije mladih volontera za vrijeme pandemije te su predstavnici raznih organizacija iz Hrvatske, Slovenije, Srbije i Bugarske prezentirali svoje volonterske aktivnosti.
Drugi dan su mladi iz varaždinskog Rotary Interacta predstavili svoje uspjehe tijekom pandemije, Razvojna agencija Sjever DAN iz Varaždina prezentirala je svoje EU projekte o pitanjima mladih dok je slovenska humanitarna organizacija Kralji ulice govorila o svom projektu i radu s romskom populacijom.
Posljednji dan događanja je Nebojša Buđanovac, ravnatelj Društva Crvenog križa Varaždinske županije, iznio činjenice na temu kako se građani mentalno nose s pandemijom COVID-19.
Nakon ovog, slijedi treće po redu 3-dnevno događanje kod projektnih partnera u Sremskoj Mitrovici i Rumi krajem kolovoza.
POU Varaždin je kao voditelj projekta ugostilo u Varaždinu međunarodne projektne partnere iz Italije, Slovenije i Srbije, dok su partneri iz Bugarske na događanju sudjelovali online.
Ukupno je tijekom tri dana događanja u Varaždinu uživo i online sudjelovalo više od 80 osoba.
Prvog dana događanja sudionike je uvodno pozdravila predsjednica Gradskog vijeća Zdravka Grđan, dok je ravnateljica POU Varaždina Lana Velimirović Vukalović predstavila aktivnosti i ciljeve projekta koji se bavi volontiranjem u doba pandemije korona virusa.
Uz prezentaciju volonterskih aktivnosti IV. osnovne škole ravnateljice Jasmine Dvorski održan je prvi dan događanja i panel na temu edukacije mladih volontera za vrijeme pandemije te su predstavnici raznih organizacija iz Hrvatske, Slovenije, Srbije i Bugarske prezentirali svoje volonterske aktivnosti.
Drugi dan su mladi iz varaždinskog Rotary Interacta predstavili svoje uspjehe tijekom pandemije, Razvojna agencija Sjever DAN iz Varaždina prezentirala je svoje EU projekte o pitanjima mladih dok je slovenska humanitarna organizacija Kralji ulice govorila o svom projektu i radu s romskom populacijom.
Posljednji dan događanja je Nebojša Buđanovac, ravnatelj Društva Crvenog križa Varaždinske županije, iznio činjenice na temu kako se građani mentalno nose s pandemijom COVID-19.
Nakon ovog, slijedi treće po redu 3-dnevno događanje kod projektnih partnera u Sremskoj Mitrovici i Rumi krajem kolovoza.
Radni jezik događanja je engleski.
1. dan - 28. 06. 2021. Lokacija: Kino GAJ, Ulica Ljudevita Gaja 1 (Hibridni oblik - In situ i ZOOM) 16:00 - 16:10 - Svečano otvaranje i dobrodošlica Ravnateljica POU Varaždin Lana Velimirović Vukalović Predsjednica Gradskog vijeća Grada Varaždina, Zdravka Grđan 16:10 - 16:25 - Predstavljanje iskustva POU Varaždin 16:25 - 16:50 – Izlaganja na temu promocije volontiranja u školama te aktivnosti tijekom pandemije COVID-19 • IV. Osnovna škola Varaždin – dr.sc. Jasmina Dvorski, ravnateljica 16:50 -17:35 - Prezentacije o uspješnim metodama koje se koriste za obuku volontera tijekom pandemije COVID-19 (međunarodna iskustva) • Médecins du Monde Belgium, Ured u Hrvatskoj • Međunarodna inicijativa za suradnju, Bugarska • Sveučilište Sjever, Hrvatska 18:00 - 18:45 - Panel rasprava - "Kako su OCD-i nastavili trenirati mlade volontere u vrijeme pandemije COVID-19" • Nino Preložnjak, Centar za mlade P4 • Nebojša Budžanovac, DEruštvo Crvenog križa Varaždinske županije • Profesor Nako Stefanov, Bugarska • Centar za mlade Sremske Mitrovice 18:45 - 19:00 – Anketa i evaluacija aktivnosti 1. dana događanja (Slido anketa) 2. dan - 29. 06. 2021. Lokacija: POU Varaždin, Hallerova aleja 1 / II (hibridni oblik - In situ i ZOOM) Radionica za trenere i predstavnike OCD-a 11:00 - 11:15 - Rotary Interact - Uspjesi Interact Cluba Varaždin 1181 11:15 - 11:30 - Razvojna agencija Sjever DAN - prezentacija DAN-ovih EU projekata o pitanjima mladih 11:30 - 12:30 - Vježbe učenja zasnovane na scenariju s predstavnicima OCD-a i nastavnicima - timski rad 12:30 - 14:00 - Pauza za ručak 14:00 - 14:45 - Predstavljanje rješenja za timski rad + rasprava 14:45 - 15:00 - Zaključci 3. dan - 30.06.2021. Lokacija: Kino GAJ, Ulica Ljudevita Gaja 1 (hibridni oblik - In situ i ZOOM) 9:30 - 9:45 - kviz o vrijednostima EU (putem pametnih telefona i mrežnih alata) 9:45 - 10:30 - "Kako se građani mentalno nose s pandemijom COVID-19?" - izlaganje Društva Crvenog križa Varaždinske županije o statusu građana pogođenih pandemijom 10:30 -10:45 - Pitanja i odgovori; zaključci o volonterskim akcijama Kraj događanja |
Konferencija u Rimu od 6. do 8. svibnja
Pridružite nam se na konferenciji koja će se održati online na temu mišljenja mladih o ulozi Europe u vremenima pandemije i nakon nje.
Molimo da se prijavite pomoću obrasca koji se nalazi na sljedećoj poveznici
Nakon uspješne prijave, dobit ćete pozivnicu za događanje.
Program događanja možete preuzeti ovdje
Pridružite nam se na konferenciji koja će se održati online na temu mišljenja mladih o ulozi Europe u vremenima pandemije i nakon nje.
Molimo da se prijavite pomoću obrasca koji se nalazi na sljedećoj poveznici
Nakon uspješne prijave, dobit ćete pozivnicu za događanje.
Program događanja možete preuzeti ovdje
Project MOVEfwd - Moving Forward in Europe with Volunteering
Identifier: 625307-CITIZ-1-2020-1-HR-CITIZ-CIV Start Date: 01-03-2021 End Date: 31-08-2022 Duration in months: 18 Total Budget: 95760 € Programme: EUROPE FOR CITIZENS, Strand2: Democratic engagement and civic participation Action: 2.3: Civil Society Projects Lead partner: POU Varaždin, Croatia Partners: • Red Cross for Varazdin County, Croatia • Ljudska Univerza Ptuj, Slovenia • Regional Development Agency Of Srem Ltd Ruma, Serbia • Tourist Organisation Of The City Of Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia • PROGEU-Progress In European Union - Istituto Per Lo Sviluppo, Italy • Institute for Sustainable Business Development and Education, Bulgaria |
Short description of the project
As a result of COVID 19, civil society organisations (CSOs), public bodies/authorities, educators and citizens have had to reinvent themselves. Promoting active citizenship and volunteering during these times has been especially challenging due to new restrictions on physical contact and movement. Due too many unknowns (i.e. infection), many citizens (incl. younger persons) think twice about volunteering. With this situation in mind, the project aims to enhance citizen engagement in volunteer based actions relating to civil protection, social inclusion, culture, education and employment. The project is organized as 1 preparatory meeting (in Varazdin, HR) and 5 3-day events in the partner countries (in HR, IT, RS, SI, BG). Each event will detail best practices showing how citizens (esp. youth) can engage as volunteers in actions that address issues that affect local development. The project activities are also designed so that the partners can gather opinions/inputs from citizens re: the Europe they want. Particular focus per event will be on how the concept of solidarity functions; how the new agenda for 2021-27 supports communities in overcoming COVID-19 (& other crises) and in their efforts to enhance civil society. Workshops, panel discussions, presentations, site visits, group work, and other methods will be used to encourage volunteering and enhance understanding about how solidarity in an EU context contributes to sustainable growth. The dissemination actions (incl. the volunteering guide) contributes to informing the wider public on how they can volunteer in actions and the benefits of applying EU values to community actions. The network agreement defines priorities & future actions for the partnership. As a result of the project, Citizens will gain competencies to plan/manage & volunteer in actions during COVID (& other crises), and better understand how the EU agenda & values function in practice. In total, the project will include 318 participants.
Disclaimer: The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
As a result of COVID 19, civil society organisations (CSOs), public bodies/authorities, educators and citizens have had to reinvent themselves. Promoting active citizenship and volunteering during these times has been especially challenging due to new restrictions on physical contact and movement. Due too many unknowns (i.e. infection), many citizens (incl. younger persons) think twice about volunteering. With this situation in mind, the project aims to enhance citizen engagement in volunteer based actions relating to civil protection, social inclusion, culture, education and employment. The project is organized as 1 preparatory meeting (in Varazdin, HR) and 5 3-day events in the partner countries (in HR, IT, RS, SI, BG). Each event will detail best practices showing how citizens (esp. youth) can engage as volunteers in actions that address issues that affect local development. The project activities are also designed so that the partners can gather opinions/inputs from citizens re: the Europe they want. Particular focus per event will be on how the concept of solidarity functions; how the new agenda for 2021-27 supports communities in overcoming COVID-19 (& other crises) and in their efforts to enhance civil society. Workshops, panel discussions, presentations, site visits, group work, and other methods will be used to encourage volunteering and enhance understanding about how solidarity in an EU context contributes to sustainable growth. The dissemination actions (incl. the volunteering guide) contributes to informing the wider public on how they can volunteer in actions and the benefits of applying EU values to community actions. The network agreement defines priorities & future actions for the partnership. As a result of the project, Citizens will gain competencies to plan/manage & volunteer in actions during COVID (& other crises), and better understand how the EU agenda & values function in practice. In total, the project will include 318 participants.
Disclaimer: The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.