Alati razvijeni tijekom projekta dostupni su na stranici CKU Sopot
Čitanje priručnika se preporučuje u full screen modu (kliknite na kvadrat u donjem desnom kutu). |
Predstavljanje rezultata projekta održano 12. listopada 2021. godine
CAReer je posvećen razvoju novih alata za karijerno savjetovanje. Sudjeluju: Jasmina Dvorski Leo Cahunek |
Uključi se u besplatno karijerno savjetovanje Razmišljaš o fakultetu ili poslu i nisi siguran/sigurna kamo i kako dalje? Dopusti nam da ti pomognemo kroz karijerno savjetovanje pomoću kojeg ćeš bolje upoznati samoga sebe, prepoznati svoje jake i slabe strane i lakše donijeti odluku o daljnjem smjeru svoga života. Savjetovanje će se odvijati kroz tri individualna razgovora i tri zajedničke radionice, a na kraju ćeš dobiti rezultate s preporukama i puno jasniju predodžbu o vlastitim mogućnostima. U ovoj fazi projekta razvijaju se i testiraju najmoderniji alati namijenjeni karijernom savjetovanju za mlade u dobi od 15 do 19 godina. Pripadaš li ovoj dobnoj skupini i želiš sudjelovati u projektu, molimo javi nam se ili popuni obrazac za prijavu. Za sve detalje slobodno se obratite na broj telefona 042 213 138 ili mail [email protected] |
Webinari o sustavu karijernog savjetovanja:
19.11.2020. Career Guidance in Germany – history of origin, conception today and challenges
by Reinhold Schiffers, Germany, Former Headmaster of Weiterbildungskolleg Mönchengladbach,Teacher Trainer, Consultant Development of Organisations Member of the education committee in the City Council
10.00 - 10.15 words of Welcome
10.15 Warm up – How did you find your career?
10. 25 School system in Germany
10.45 History in five pictures and one bubble
11.00 Dual system of Vocational Training in Germany
11.20 Germany as federal republic
11.30 Break
11.45 System of career guidance in NRW
12.15 Question round
12.30 Reflections – Video Interviews
12.40 What do we learn – when dealing with „dropouts“
12.55 What do you learn
26.11.2020. Career Guidance in Croatia – conception today and challenges
10.00 Welcome words
10:05 Poland career guidance system – short overview (Anna Dukowska, CKU Sopot)
10:20 Croatian career guidance system ( Toni Babarović, Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar)
11:30-11:45 Coffee break
11:45 Schools in career guidance, qualifications of counsellor ( Iva Šverko)12:30-12:30-13:00 Challenges and good practice – discussion
O predavačima
Reinhold Schiffers - Teacher (1975 – 2016) and Headmaster of SCE School in Mönchengladbach (1985 – 2016). Main tasks during this time: Transformation of school from a traditional school for adults to a nationally recognized pilot SCE School for disadvantaged young people, Integration of immigrants, Establishment of up to five social workers integrated into the course concepts of the school. Trainer for Cooperative Learning, school development, Change Management - in total more than 10.000 participants in training in schools of all types, workshops, long lasting processes of school development - in Germany and around Europe. Board Member of E2C Europe, Member of the education committee in the City Council Mönchengladbach
Iva Šverko PH.D. - Senior Research Associate at Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, Zagreb, Croatia.
Research in the field of vocational psychology (2000-present); particular research objectives: development, adaptation and evaluation of new measures of interest, values and personality; development and evaluation of computer assisted career guidance systems; cross-cultural research of vocational interest structure
Assistant Professor at University of Zagreb; Croatian studies - study of Psychology (1999 - present) and Academy of Fine Arts (2008 - present)
Toni Babarović, Ph.D. - Senior Research Associate at Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar; Zagreb, Croatia.
Research in the field of vocational psychology (2001-present), and assistant professor of Multivariate statistics, Research methodology and Management of human resources and at department of Psychology, University of Zagreb.
Primary research interests include work and vocational psychology, in particular career counselling, psychology of education, research methodology and statistics.
Associate at Croatian Foundation for science: Vocational Development in Adolescence: Setting the Adolescent Career transition Model, (2014 - present).
Associate at Scientific Center of Excellence for School Effectiveness and Management, (2014 - present), Ministry of Science, Education and Sports.
O projektu:
Trajanje: 1. rujna 2020. - 30. rujna 2021
Voditelj projekta: Grad Sopot - Centar za trajno obrazovanje u Sopotu (CKU Sopot)
Međunarodni projektni partneri:
POU Varaždin, Hrvatska
Weiterbildungskolleg Linker Niederrhein Abt. Mönchengladbach (WBKLNR), Njemačka
Lokalni partner: Kompleks komercijalnih škola Tehničkog sveučilišta Danuta Sieikówna "Inki" (ZSH)
Grant "Putevi suradnje" bespovratni je natječaj koji se sastoji od davanja potpore korisnicima projekata sufinanciranih iz Europskog socijalnog fonda, bez obzira na operativni program pod kojim provode standardne projekte (POWER / RPO).
Ciljevi projekta:
19.11.2020. Career Guidance in Germany – history of origin, conception today and challenges
by Reinhold Schiffers, Germany, Former Headmaster of Weiterbildungskolleg Mönchengladbach,Teacher Trainer, Consultant Development of Organisations Member of the education committee in the City Council
10.00 - 10.15 words of Welcome
10.15 Warm up – How did you find your career?
10. 25 School system in Germany
10.45 History in five pictures and one bubble
11.00 Dual system of Vocational Training in Germany
11.20 Germany as federal republic
11.30 Break
11.45 System of career guidance in NRW
12.15 Question round
12.30 Reflections – Video Interviews
12.40 What do we learn – when dealing with „dropouts“
12.55 What do you learn
26.11.2020. Career Guidance in Croatia – conception today and challenges
10.00 Welcome words
10:05 Poland career guidance system – short overview (Anna Dukowska, CKU Sopot)
10:20 Croatian career guidance system ( Toni Babarović, Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar)
11:30-11:45 Coffee break
11:45 Schools in career guidance, qualifications of counsellor ( Iva Šverko)12:30-12:30-13:00 Challenges and good practice – discussion
O predavačima
Reinhold Schiffers - Teacher (1975 – 2016) and Headmaster of SCE School in Mönchengladbach (1985 – 2016). Main tasks during this time: Transformation of school from a traditional school for adults to a nationally recognized pilot SCE School for disadvantaged young people, Integration of immigrants, Establishment of up to five social workers integrated into the course concepts of the school. Trainer for Cooperative Learning, school development, Change Management - in total more than 10.000 participants in training in schools of all types, workshops, long lasting processes of school development - in Germany and around Europe. Board Member of E2C Europe, Member of the education committee in the City Council Mönchengladbach
Iva Šverko PH.D. - Senior Research Associate at Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, Zagreb, Croatia.
Research in the field of vocational psychology (2000-present); particular research objectives: development, adaptation and evaluation of new measures of interest, values and personality; development and evaluation of computer assisted career guidance systems; cross-cultural research of vocational interest structure
Assistant Professor at University of Zagreb; Croatian studies - study of Psychology (1999 - present) and Academy of Fine Arts (2008 - present)
Toni Babarović, Ph.D. - Senior Research Associate at Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar; Zagreb, Croatia.
Research in the field of vocational psychology (2001-present), and assistant professor of Multivariate statistics, Research methodology and Management of human resources and at department of Psychology, University of Zagreb.
Primary research interests include work and vocational psychology, in particular career counselling, psychology of education, research methodology and statistics.
Associate at Croatian Foundation for science: Vocational Development in Adolescence: Setting the Adolescent Career transition Model, (2014 - present).
Associate at Scientific Center of Excellence for School Effectiveness and Management, (2014 - present), Ministry of Science, Education and Sports.
O projektu:
Trajanje: 1. rujna 2020. - 30. rujna 2021
Voditelj projekta: Grad Sopot - Centar za trajno obrazovanje u Sopotu (CKU Sopot)
Međunarodni projektni partneri:
POU Varaždin, Hrvatska
Weiterbildungskolleg Linker Niederrhein Abt. Mönchengladbach (WBKLNR), Njemačka
Lokalni partner: Kompleks komercijalnih škola Tehničkog sveučilišta Danuta Sieikówna "Inki" (ZSH)
Grant "Putevi suradnje" bespovratni je natječaj koji se sastoji od davanja potpore korisnicima projekata sufinanciranih iz Europskog socijalnog fonda, bez obzira na operativni program pod kojim provode standardne projekte (POWER / RPO).
Ciljevi projekta:
- razmjena međunarodnih iskustava Poljska / Hrvatska / Njemačka u području profesionalnog savjetovanja, uključujući suradnju s poslodavcima
- razvijanje, na temelju međunarodnog iskustva, obrazovnih inovacija u području karijernog savjetovanja uz korištenje grupnog i individualnog savjetovanja te suradnja s poslodavcima
- razvijanje priručnika koji sadrži program profesionalnog savjetovanja usmjeren na suradnju između obrazovnih institucija i poduzeća